Well - To begin, this is Jason. Tiffini is very busy as of late and I am bored at work so I will try to put a post together. It won't be as creative as Tiffini's are but it will show you that we are alive
and doing well. Laci has started first grade and is still doing gymnastics. She has too many friends to keep track of and loves being outside. Jacob has started pre-school and as you can see from the picture he is excited. He never says much so Tiff and I have to really read his non-verbal expressions to see what he likes and doesn't like. He is also doing a pre-school sports program where he does a different sport each month. He has just finished soccer and is now doing football. Cole is getting bigger and LOUDER. He is going to be a talker. We decided to get rid of his pacifier last week since he will be going into nursery in a month. That meant that we had almost a solid week of no sleep. He is getting better though. Tiffini is very busy with her piano lessons and watching Tyler. He is a recent addition to our family. Tiff watches him for his Dad
during the week. He is a great kid and is really no problem at all. He is the same age of Laci and is even in her class. I just finished my last semester of graduate school and am glad that it is over. I have my nights with my family again! So now you are all up to date with what has been going on with the Denham's. I hope you all enjoy the update.

Mark and I were just thinking about you guys. Reminiscing about the old days...
Spencer and I throughly enjoyed it!!!!
Glad to see you guys are alive!!! I love that photo of Jacob. How adorable. Keep posting.
Hey all! We are coming into town on Saturday. Lincoln is coming for work so he's a bit busy, but we would love to see you guys if we get a chance to get together!
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