Tuesday, August 31, 2010

sensory overload

Desperately needing to update. I'm in catch up mode after two weeks of pink eye and flu ... didn't we just go through this a couple months ago? I seriously feel like my life is a broken record sometimes!

Update coming soon with pics from our summer adventures and Laci's first day of school!

Monday, August 16, 2010

lost that loving feeling?

Not me! I started adding things up and realized that our dinner tonight cost a whole $2.68. Basically a stir-fry, I already had the brown rice and seasonings in my pantry, split the 79 cents per pound broccoli between two meals , 1 yellow bell pepper, and Italian sausage - also split between a second meal. Fed 4. I am feeling pretty dang proud of myself!

Want the recipe? Find it HERE. (You'll notice I didn't use the sausage she recommends - mainly because I couldn't find it.)

So, next time I've lost that loving feeling in the monotony of dinner-making, I'm going to see how cheap I can get the pricetag on my next meal!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

starting a new tribe

We just started the 4th chapter in the book of Mormon, reading about the Josephites, Jacobites and Nephites. Suddenly, we hear Laci's high-pitched, curiosity-filled voice:

Why aren't there any Laci-ites?

Sunday, August 1, 2010

if you are a s'more lover

then you will like this RECIPE. Just tried it out for a new FHE treat tonight.

As of this week, Jason completed his first semester toward his MRED program.
{Masters in Real Estate Development.}
3 more to go!

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