Monday, December 13, 2010

when did my life hit the crazy button?

Seriously, someone smashed that thing down, and it hasn't let up since! I can't believe my last post was in October! Not even a single holiday post! So, here's the last few months in a nutshell...

We made our annual Thanksgiving trip to AZ in November. Around the same time, I started babysitting a boy in Laci's school class - more on him later. Two weeks later, we drove a 53- hour round-trip to San Diego for my sister's wedding. (We only spent 8 hours out of the car!) Two weeks later, Christmas came and went, and Jason's family spent New Year's in UT. AND, the first week in January, I started teaching piano again. I am SO behind on blogging that Jason is more up-to-date on all our friends' blogs than I am! Yah, it's pretty sad.

Speaking of Jason, he has reached his halfway mark toward getting his masters degree. I feel so blessed that it hasn't been extremely difficult having him gone so much. I do feel it from time to time, but I honestly feel like that burden has been made light.

Laci is my school girl. She LOVES every minute of it - especially making friends, as her teacher notified me during our parent-teacher conference in November. I wasn't at all surprised. Hopefully, it's not impeding too much with her learning! She's also moved up to the next level in gymnastics. (I think we've found her niche.) This is the second time they've had her move up early.

Trying to figure out what to do with Jacob when Laci is gone. He literally wants to watch movies, if I'm not dragging him along for errands or doctor's appointments. I've started to believe that maybe it's not so much that he feels lost, but that he's taking advantage of his "down time" because when Laci is home, she keeps him going, going, going...

Cole is crawling all over the place! Oh, but that is not all, he pulls himself up on ANYTHING he can. He is happy and smiling all the time. Thank heavens!

The newest member of our family - well, 5 days a week - is Tyler. He and his dad moved onto our street from South Carolina, and needed a sitter while his dad goes to work. So, I watch Tyler Monday through Friday from 7:45 am till 6 pm. Sometimes till 6:30. He is a sweet boy and fits in really well here. I won't say it hasn't been an adjustment for everyone. It has. But, all things considered, I could have signed up for a nightmare. And, it hasn't been that.

So, that's it. Hope I can stay more on top of my posts. I'll do my best.

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